Saratoga Skijoring Races

One of Saratoga's most exciting annual events combines ski & horse racing.

The Saratoga Lions Club and Platte Valley Jaycees are host annual Skijoring Races on every February at Buck Springs Race Track in Saratoga, WY. There is typically around 90 races per day with prize money totaling around $10,000 thanks to a matching grant from the Carbon County Visitors Council.

For those not familiar with the sport of Skijoring it is an action packed sport that combines skiand horse racing. Skiers are towed behind horse and rider down a 700’ track. The skier must navigate ski gates, jumps and collect rings in this timed event. Horses can reach upwards of 40 mph, while skiers push 50 mph during their runs.

The sponsors of the races will use gate proceeds to support local causes like town beautification, local scholarships and other charitable causes. Last years races saw over $5,000 in profits that was put right back into the local community.

They are also partnering with the Carbon County Search and Rescue to assist in their fundraising efforts. General admission to the races is $5.00 per person per day, kids under 12 years are free.

There is also a local band which performs Saturday night at the Platte Valley Community Center.

For more information please visit

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